来源:伟德国际1946源自英国     发布时间:2011-09-06    作者:admin     摄影:     校对:无    审核:暂无  

第二章 始动性动词( Inchoative Verb)

始动性动词是与其相应的延续性动词(Continuative Verb)相互依赖、相互比较而存在的。下面详细论述这两类动词的特点:

1)始动性动词表示由一种状态向另一种状态过渡的动作,常用的动词有get,become,grow,come ,go, turn,wear,run,fall等。延续性动词则表示该动作保持处同一不变的状态,常用的动词有keep,remain, stay等

我们先以一天的起居为例加以说明。一个人每天通常要经历get up→be/stay up→go to bed→be/stay in bed→四个循环状态,其中 get up和 go to bed是始动性动词, be/stay up和 be/stay in bed是延续性动词,例如:

1)a.On Sundays he doesn't get up till/until lunch time.

b. On Sundays he stays in bed till/until lunch time.


2) a. She stayed up till/until midnight.

b. She didn't go to bed till/until midnight.


再以睡觉过程为例,要经历fall asleep/go to sleep →be/remain asleep→wake up→be/remain/stay awake 四个阶段,其中 fall asleep/go to sleep和 wake up是始动性动词,而be/remain asleep和be/remain/stay awake是延续性动词,例如:

3) a. I shan't go to sleep all night if I have any coffee.

b.I shall stay awake all night if I have any coffee.


4) a. John woke up.

b.John didn't remain asleep.


5) a. John fell asleep.

b.John didn't remain awake.


6) a. John didn't wake up.

b. John remained asleep.


7) a. John didn't fall asleep.

b. John remained awake.




a. stay= not leave/not go away b.leave=no longer stay 例如:

8) a.John didn't stay in.

b. John went out.


9) a. The boy didn't go to school yesterday.

b.The boy stayed at home yesterday.


10) a. The student won't leave the university during the summer vacation.

b. The student won't go away from the university during the summer vacation.

c.The student will stay at the university during the summer vacation.


11) a. Must you go so soon?

b. Can't you stay a bit longer?

c.Can't you stay any longer?


12) a. She is no longer in the city.

b.She no longer stays in the city.

c.She has left the city.

d.She has gone away from the city.



a.still move=not stop yet b.already stop=not move any more 例如:

13) a. The car is still moving.

b. The car is still in motion.

c.The car has not stopped yet.


14) a. The car has already stopped.

b.The car doesn't move any more.

c.The car is no longer in motion.

d. The car is now at rest.



15) a. John began to smoke.

b.John didn't continue not to smoke.


16) a. John began not to smoke.

b.John didn't continue to smoke.


17) a. John didn't begin to smoke.

b.John continued not to smoke.


18) a. John didn't begin not to smoke.

b. John continued to smoke.



begin to smoke = not continue not to smoke
begin not to smoke = not continue to smoke
not begin to smoke = continue not to smoke
not begin not to smoke = continue to smoke