19) a. John became a smoker.
b.John didn't remain a non-smoker.
20) a.John became a non-smoker.
b.John didn't remain a smoker.
21) a.John didn't become a smoker.
b. John remained a non-smoker.
22) a. John didn't become a non-smoker.
b. John remained a smoker.
become a smoker = not remain a non-smoker
become a non-smoker = not remain a smoker
not become a smoker = remain a non-smoker
not become a non-smoker = remain a smoker
下面再以 be awake/be not asleep和be asleep/be not awake为例,说明始动性动词和延续性动词之间的
23) a. John is already awake.
b. John is no longer asleep.
24) a. John is already asleep.
b John is no longer awake.
25) a. John is not yet awake.
b.John is still asleep.
26) a. John is not yet asleep.
b.John is still awake.
上述 be awake和be asleep之间的语义逻辑关系,可以总结如下:
be already awake = be no longer asleep
be already asleep = be no longer awake
be not yet awake = be still asleep
be not yet asleep = be still awake
- 上一篇:熟记N个动词短语,搞定英语语法
- 下一篇:动态性动词与静态性动词(16)